According to Matt Clara <***>:
[ ... ]
Post by Matt ClaraNo, pop up flash sucks for everything except sucky family shots from sucky
photographers. Period. I have the D200, and wouldn't use the pop up except
for shots I could give two shits about (even then, I'd just up the ISO). If
you want pop up flash, shoot with point and shoots, otherwise, you're
wasting your time.
Well ... there are times when it is nice to have it, when it is
just too heavy to carry a real flash (like my SB-800). An example
(during unofficial wedding photography at a day-after gathering)
included the sister of the bride and her to-be (now husband) hauled me
out of the building and wanted me to shoot them against the background
of the bay (Cape Cod Bay, FWIW). Unfortunately, the sunlight was at an
angle which was casting shadows on their faces, so I popped up the
built-in flash on the D70, and it did a very nice job as fill flash,
turning what could have been a ghastly shot into a rather nicely
balanced shot. Upping the ISO would not help here, since it was the
direction of the light which was the problem, rather than a sufficiency
of light.
I often (for shots of my cats) take two exposures -- the first
without built-in flash, and the second with, and typically prefer the
one without flash. Taking the time to dig the SB-800 out of the camera
bag is usually sufficient to lose the shot. :-)
But for anything serious, I would certainly prefer the SB-800 in
bounce mode. (Well ... there are the shots with the old Medical Nikkor,
which has a built-in ring flash, but that is a different game. :-)
Email: <***> | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
(too) near Washington D.C. |
--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---