Post by maarkPost by marikaPost by maarkPost by marikaI know really cool people use Wonderbras. I hope i am
successful in getting the Wonderbra company to sponsor my cause.
If not, I met someone from Victoria's
secret while shopping for presense. She is a
cashier. I will resume working on her now. I hope for big time
cash prizes from this company.
I am looking for people that are willing to share stories
about jock straps for a competition.
We do not have enough jock straps stories here
Love and G Strings
-- "You guys are so full of dookie. Everybody KNOWS the women who
even conSIDer dating you don't wear any underwear. Sheesh.
stupid....fack you
holota -- navchysya pravylno layaty abo kupy lipshyj spellchecker
this is obviously a CIA mind kontrol experiment with LSD
stupid cow, you are
oh look the stupid yoda bot wants to play,
oh yeah yeah I read that interview! Forgot about it.
There's this one guy I know who i HAte i swear
he says he was named after tvs two most famous brats
he has this phony e eur accent and I confronted him about it
He said that he was abused as a child and left alone to fend for himself
so he
adopted the accent he heard on tv.
so how come I DON"T SOUND LIKE THAT or anyone else
who didn't speak english at home sounds like taht, and that's how come i
can tell your a fake too.
you obviously learned your phoney accent on the tv too. deefinitely
yoda. you arenot a deranged lunatic but a dum bot and will call you that
every chance I get LIAR.
so this guy who i am comparing you too also i said at some point to him
that I learned to read at 3 which is essentially true
as I got it from watching TV and the he goes...I
learned to read at
3 too. did you learn from sesame street too and I said no it started when
I was in
college (not true i was probably in hs but still I wanted to make a point)
so he was
so pissed off that he could not compare it to me. i learned from
commercials and
game shows. So I said and anyway i didn't learn eng first.
HE GOT SO PISSED OFF because he was so full of it.
sounds like you are the same kind of pissed off cos your a phony trying to
pretend you are from eastern europe when all you are are a dubm yodabot
Everything you say you want to seem mysterious and brilliant. you are
how brilliant do you have to be to post bla and go
to the hell with the music
brilliant 2 line bot
We would get 2 inches of fisticuffs each time I would see you.
So I now say the first rule of Fught Club do not talk about maaaaarrrrrk
the second rule of fight club, do not talk TO maaarrrlll
god I hate this phony asshole
you are going to hurt someone soon, you are this close to snapping