Post by rayPost by U-Know-WhoPost by rayPost by U-Know-WhoPost by rayPost by sallyPost by rayThere are quite a number of similar cameras. I would suggest you look
around. The s31s is what is termed an 'EVF' camera. Characteristics are
a long zoom and an Electronic ViewFinder.
Here in the USA, these are usually called "superzoom" cameras. The main
brands are Canon, Panasonic, and Sony. The new Olympus model looks
as well (announced, but apparently not in stores yet).
Actually, here in the USA, these are frequently referred to as EVF
cameras. BTW - I think Kodak makes some of the better ones - particularly
the P series. They will save raw, tiff and jpeg and have a full manual
mode, exposure bracketing, etc. Have pretty much everything that a DLSR
has except the changeable lenses.
You're kidding, right? Everything but the changeable lenses? LOL!
Perhaps you could enlighten me as to other missing features?
Oh, lens length, speed of multiple shots, speed of single shots after
pushing the shutter button, shall I go on?
Please do. I have a 12x zoom, about 35-400mm equiv, and there is a 0.7x
wide angle adapter and a 1.4x - I really think that is what I will need. I
can take multiple shots and single shots.
Don't get me wrong...I actually would love to have an S3IS. It's a great
point and shoot. But it is only a P&S. Hence the poor shot to shot speed,
and the limits of the built in lens. Yes, it has *most* of the things a dslr
has, but it just will not perform as well. And don't be fooled by the
adapters...yes, they will work somewhat, but image quality will suffer. They
will not be as sharp and bright as those with just the lens. You may also
lose autofocus. I suppose it all boils down to what your needs are, and the
S3IS may just fit the bill. But please do not think that it is *anywhere*
close to being in the same league as even the cheapest DSLR.
If you are serious about photography, and I suspect you are, you will soon
find yourself owning a DSLR for your more serious "keeper" shots.
Been down that road already, got the t-shirt, wear it proudly, and still
have a really nice P&S. (Sony DSC H-1)
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